
Dhiraj Salunke

def skills(self):

I am a full stack developer, AWS cloud engineer. I have been working as full stack developer and building softwares since 2020.
I have Experience in languages like Python, Javascript, Go, Dart. Also, I have been working with frameworks such as FastAPI, ExpressJS, Flutter, Svelte, ReactJS and more...

Problem solver


Team player




My inventory of weapons


Full stack python development


React, NodeJS and Svelte


Cross platform apps with flutter


Monitoring, reporting and IoT services


FastAPI,Flask and mongo framework


Much more and ready to explore

My project showcase

Crop disease detector

A multitier system hosted on AWS and built with flutter, python and tensorflow which can detect plant diseases.

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AWS IAM reporter

Inactive user reporter tool built with golang, AWS Lambda and AWS SNS. The tool reports user that are inactive for last 'X' days.

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India corona counter

A cross platform app that give almost live count of covid cases in india built with flutter and public APIs.

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My journey till now

Software Engineer

HTS Tech Solutions, Pune Sept-2021:Current
#Python #React #Flutter #Firebase #FastAPI

● Led development of cross-platform apps with flutter and python stack.
● Full-stack development to develop multitier web apps.

Cloud Engineer

Flentas Technologies, Pune Jan-2021:Sept-2021
#AWS #NodeJS #Python #IoT

● Migrated OnPrem IoT infrastructure to AWS cloud.
● Led implementation KPIs, Events, monitoring and billing reporting for IoTand AWS services.

Flutter intern

Binary Dots PVT LTD Aug-2020:Oct-2020
#Flutter #Firebase

● Integrated Firebase google auth in existing app of integrated Ads in the existing app.

Bachelor's of engineer

Savitribai phule pune university, Pune Jun-2017:Jun-2021
#AWS #NodeJS #Python #IoT

● Led development of cross-platform apps with flutter and python stack.
● Full-stack development to develop multitier web apps.

A decent homo sapian

Everywhere From begining of time

● Just trying to make this world better place weighing in whenever I can.

Your doorway to me!


With great power comes great responsibility, so don't spam these numbers.

Get to me

contact me anywhere I'll respond ASAP!

I'll be happy if you reach out to me. Always nice to meet cool people.